Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Difference A Week Makes

Last Sunday we were in need of 14,000 to officially accept the boys. Now, we have officially done this in our hearts, but we have to put our money where our hearts are!

I want to share with you what has happened this last week.
-3,100 taken in from Church love offering.
-I sold many of our craft items
-refinanced our house to a 15yr loan for just a little less than $100 increase to our monthly payment!! From this we will receive a check for around $850, and our December payment can go towards the adoption!
-found out that our home study is $1,000 more than we realized, but we can make smaller payments. Allowing us to use most of the money we had saved for the referral.
-$500 donation
- great news from our agency that a little over $1,000 isn't needed because of the region the boys are from.

So once I get all those checks etc. in the bank it looks like we are down to needing right at $4,000!!!!

Can you believe it? Yes, that is still a sizable amount but I just know this is going to happen people!

It is sooo hard to fully rely on God. Over and over He has told me to not to devise mans schemes for this money. It is so easy to come up with ways to earn it or make it appear.

William and I were able to talk about it and I shared again that I thought God was confirming this in my heart. We prayed that He would make it clear. Did you know God works through Facebook? ;). Lo and behold this quote was posted on a "hospital" in Haiti's page...

Why do I not call on His name? Why do I run to this neighbor and that when God is so near and will hear my faintest call? Why do I sit down and devise schemes and invent plans? Why not at once roll myself and my burden upon The Lord?
Devotion -Streams in the dessert

I have had that same phrase "devise men's schemes"on my mind for awhile now, and it's not something you run into very often ;).

There is so much more I want to say that is on my heart. So much I am learning and so much that He is doing but it's time for bed!

Couple quick facts really fast though
-the boys do not and will not know any English. Maybe 1-2 words.
They pick it up so fast I hear though! We are going to learn some handy phrases before travel.
-N will be Congolese potty trained ;) meaning they kind of pee wherever. So we'll work towards getting it in the toilet. I told one of the agency coordinators that I'm glad I don't have house plants! She got a huge kick out of that, surprised she hadn't heard that before! ;)
-we will be able to send care packages and a family album but not until certain steps have been covered with the adoption.


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