Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Ha, not sure why I'm speaking spanish on such a Freezing Cold day! 

I have been thinking about how grateful we are to those that have given, encouraged, and prayed.  Some gave so sacrificially it about brought us to our knees.  Thank You isn't enough but hopefully knowing you followed the spirits calling and seeing the boys faces one day will be enough!

I was able to speak with our coordinator today.  I tried to ask all the questions that have been building up.  I need to start writing them down when I think of it! 

My first question was what is next?  Our dossier should head out to the DRC early next week (hopefully).  At that point we will start out first waiting period.  She said it could be around 4-6 weeks to get a verbal approval from the courts about adopting the boys.  Although, I have heard of some cases taking 2-4 months.  Father be with us!  At that point once it is in written form they will technically be Wolverton's!!  Hearing from other DRC mama's sometimes you don't even know you have a court date, all of a sudden you get word that they are your's!  Let's pray it's sooner rather than later. 

After that is another form to fill out, and waiting for Visas etc. 

We can now start sending the boys care packages.  We are beyond thrilled to be at this stage!  We can send them clothes, books, and a family album.  They will see our faces! We can do this once a month I believe.  There are about 20 children in the house in the Mbuji Mayi region right now, so we can include a small sucker etc. for the other children that might not be matched yet.  How exciting is that!?

I would love it if they could come home at the beginning of summer rather than the end.  We need to transition those poor boys to this climate!!  Please be in prayer with us that the rest of the process would go as smoothly and quickly as it has so far. 


P.S.  Oh, and I looked at their birth certificates today.  A was right at 6 lbs at birth, and N was 6.5.  I don't know why but it just about brought me to tears.  Just imagining their mother, father and family life.  They need to come home.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Zip, Zero, Nada

Yep, we have made our goal. A check will be mailed to our agency tomorrow.

I'm pretty much stunned. You know when you hear other people's stories and they seem so glamorous. You think wow that would be awesome!

But you can't ever imagine yourself in that position? Well, that was Contessa a couple months ago. I mean I heard The Lord speaking to my heart, telling me that things would be taken care of, but you just can't fathom how it will all come together!

Some if you reading this need to step out of that boat and believe!

Would you partner in praying that these next steps would go very quickly? We are concerned with the recent rebel attacks.


That was Contessa a couple months ago.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.  Mathew 15:28
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. " Matthew 17:20
Now I'm not trying to say I have perfect or even great faith.  Though I did feel complete faith in the beginning of this journey that it would all come together.  I'll admit though, I was thinking "God your going to get us this far and not provide the last $1,800?"  Of course he likes to see if my faith will waver. 
I had two very exciting phone calls today.  Those calls bring us down to needing only...$670.00!! 
Great is His faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see.
My heart though is troubled still because of the war that is brewing again in the DRC.  M23 rebels have taken over an eastern city of Goma, and they are threatening to walk all the way to Kinshasa on the west side of DRC.  Though I hear this would take approximately a year.  They are gaining many as they go.  I don't understand it all, it dates way back.  I know it's not good.  Children and women were heavily preyed upon in the past.  Rape and child abductions were rampant.  Children should never have to be forced to murder there own family.  I know God is in control, and we live in a fallen world.  We will never understand in this life. 
Prayer is powerful.  Imagine if it was your family your children, these are real people.  Pray.

                                                        Redwood Forest in California...

Another thing that is larger than life, and unimaginable!  Just like this adoption looked in the beginning.  It's a little foggy up ahead, and the road is as long as those trees are tall.  He provides just enough clearing in the fog to see enough for today.









Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A gift for Jesus

Many people have begun to realize our need for LESS and the need to GIVE more.  Awesome!

And with Christmas being Jesus' birthday in a couple weeks don't you think we should be fretting more about the gift we give Him than others?

Does this mean we don't buy gifts for our loved one's... no I don't think so.  For a long time though the stockings have been full and the Christmas tree bulging for our children and family that already have everything they need.  When there are people who are living, but dying inside.  Dying for a drink of clean water, dying for 1 meal, dying for a mosquito net to keep them safe one more night.  Or possibly they are dying for a friend, dying to have a bit of encouragement passed along, maybe they are living in a country, at the risk of dying, all for His Glory. 

What will you give Jesus for His birthday this year?

I'm only going to link to those, there are MANY to choose from. 

And PLEASE click here for something really exciting...not happy that shopping at some of your favorite stores supports organizations you would rather not support?  A portion of your Internet and local shopping will now be able to make an impact where YOU choose! 

Check it out!

And now for the final thought for today...oh wait, never mind!  I did receive an email that said our dossier will be translated by Friday.  Yay!  Then it will be sent to the DRCongo once we turn in the money needed to accept the boys referral.  We are still $1,800 short, so if you would like to give a gift to Jesus by helping the least of these and give these boys a home you can do that too!  If you would like your donation tax deductible make a check out to College Heights Baptist Church, and get it to me or the church.  If not, there is a pay pal link on the sidebar.  Thanks!

Now for the final thought...I've always wanted to celebrate Christmas more than just on Christmas morning.  I did not grow up with advent or such.  I have found some pretty cool ideas floating around out there in Internet land.  You might want to check them out.  Gather that family of yours up each night by a cozy candle or fire and read a short verse or story leading up to Christ' birth.  What better way to spend December. 
Some of the ideas are simple and some more complex, doesn't matter...choose one!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

So close, I can taste it!

Yep, that's right folks! We are so close to meeting our goal.

Drumroll please...drdrdrdrdrdrddddrdrdr yah that's my drumroll in type haha!

We only need.........$1,800 more!!!

Can you believe it!?

Here's what happened this past week.

-$1620.00 in blessings from church family
-sold some more craft items and T-shirts
-money deposited from watching kiddos during bible study on Thursdays.
-Deposited $1,800 from us not having a house payment and overtime.

Now that might make you think hey, they only needed 4,000 last week and that adds up to pretty close that amount.

I have this problem with counting my eggs before they hatch. So last week I was counting in our house payment and another donation that I knew was coming.

Anyhow, can we just get a big AMEN?

I thought we would be down to the wire needing a huge amount but we aren't. God's totally got this (he always has, it's just really really hard to believe it!).

Now my thought are turning towards being anxious. I just want to get the money sent in and start working on bringing my boys home!

The dossier is most likely going to get translated Monday, at that point it is ready to be sent to the DRC for approval.

Coming up on Thanksgiving, we are truly humbled and Thankful for each and every donation and heart behind it. It is such a blessing to know that we have friends and family that want to support us in this way. Also that share our heart for the orphan. Some have given sacrificially, and even though it humbles us we are so excited to see their obedience. It makes me excited for the future, to be able to support others in the same way.
Thank You

Something I'm thinking about.
It has said to me that the boys will latch on to the first thing that we give them. It will probably be the first thing that has been just theirs. I want this item to be special. I'm thinking a blanket or stuffed animal for the plane ride. Let me know if you see anything that you think would be a contender!

Well, we have just under two weeks left to meet our deadline. I wonder if we can bust through this thing and turn it in early!?


Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Difference A Week Makes

Last Sunday we were in need of 14,000 to officially accept the boys. Now, we have officially done this in our hearts, but we have to put our money where our hearts are!

I want to share with you what has happened this last week.
-3,100 taken in from Church love offering.
-I sold many of our craft items
-refinanced our house to a 15yr loan for just a little less than $100 increase to our monthly payment!! From this we will receive a check for around $850, and our December payment can go towards the adoption!
-found out that our home study is $1,000 more than we realized, but we can make smaller payments. Allowing us to use most of the money we had saved for the referral.
-$500 donation
- great news from our agency that a little over $1,000 isn't needed because of the region the boys are from.

So once I get all those checks etc. in the bank it looks like we are down to needing right at $4,000!!!!

Can you believe it? Yes, that is still a sizable amount but I just know this is going to happen people!

It is sooo hard to fully rely on God. Over and over He has told me to not to devise mans schemes for this money. It is so easy to come up with ways to earn it or make it appear.

William and I were able to talk about it and I shared again that I thought God was confirming this in my heart. We prayed that He would make it clear. Did you know God works through Facebook? ;). Lo and behold this quote was posted on a "hospital" in Haiti's page...

Why do I not call on His name? Why do I run to this neighbor and that when God is so near and will hear my faintest call? Why do I sit down and devise schemes and invent plans? Why not at once roll myself and my burden upon The Lord?
Devotion -Streams in the dessert

I have had that same phrase "devise men's schemes"on my mind for awhile now, and it's not something you run into very often ;).

There is so much more I want to say that is on my heart. So much I am learning and so much that He is doing but it's time for bed!

Couple quick facts really fast though
-the boys do not and will not know any English. Maybe 1-2 words.
They pick it up so fast I hear though! We are going to learn some handy phrases before travel.
-N will be Congolese potty trained ;) meaning they kind of pee wherever. So we'll work towards getting it in the toilet. I told one of the agency coordinators that I'm glad I don't have house plants! She got a huge kick out of that, surprised she hadn't heard that before! ;)
-we will be able to send care packages and a family album but not until certain steps have been covered with the adoption.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Craft Fair Items

I am going to list the leftover items I have from the craft fair today. It went ok, not sure how people do at those things. We made $260 :)

I will post the asking price I had at the fair, but everything is OBO!

First we have lovely wooden growth charts $45

We also have some canvas art prints. There are plain ones to add your own 5x7, some with a picture. $20

I also have 1 nativity scene left and 1 Shepard scene. $45

Then we have vegetable dip mixes, 1-$2.00 or 3-$5. Yum! Not a traditional ranch dip.

And a dry rub 2-$7
Double yum! Ask my family!

Next up is garland/swag thingies haha! The sky is the limit as to how you could use one. Hang on the fireplace, use in an archway, decorate Christmas tree, hang vertically and clip Christmas cards. All different seasons represented. $20

And last would be our T-shirts!

Please Call or TEXT to purchase. 260-3170, 398-8293


Friday, November 2, 2012

We're Expecting!!

That's right folks, we're expecting brothers from the DRC!  "A" will be 5 in December, and "N" is 2 1/2.  They have the sweetest little faces, and if you see one of us personally we will be more than happy to let you see them.  Unfortunately, we cannot share there pictures across the world wide web. 

As most of you know we have been awaiting this email from our agency for over a week now!  We spoke on the phone about the boys but couldn't share anything until we received our written referral.  Now the count is on.  We have 30 days to turn in our dossier (which is complete, just needs to be scanned and sent in) and come up with $14,000!  He hee know what though, I am not at all scared or unsure that this need will be met.  We had a wonderful revival at our church this past week, and Sunday's sermon was about miracles.  People, God is still in the miracle business! 
I'll admit at times I have to give it over, but more and more especially this last week I have had a peace. 

I've spoken to a couple people about my thoughts and feelings about getting attached to these children.  Reading many adoption blogs, I've found that when people would speak about the children and talk so intently that they were theirs etc, it made me kind of roll my eyes.  You see anything can happen.  They could travel home next summer and be ours forever, or in a couple months one could pass away from the sub-standard living conditions, or from not having enough food to eat.  Possibly even the government could stop or halt the adoption process.  Anything can happen, but I have realized that just as much the child that is carried in the womb that has been lost and taken to heaven was that women's child, these are the children that God has placed in our hearts and we will do everything to bring them home.  And in the unfortunate event they are never placed to live with us they will have a place within our hearts. 

How could we work for over a year towards bringing them home without getting attached?  Am I supposed to stay guarded and then when everything works out the way we think, I am supposed to all of a sudden love them?  No, we love them now and it will continue to grow as we work towards making them Wolverton's. 

I don't say that because I think anyone reading has those thoughts that I have had.  Just a way for me to think through these crazy thoughts rolling around in my brain.  :)

More about the boys, "A" has the most beautiful skin and the most kissable lips!  He, being almost 5, looks to be unsure about his surroundings and this new life and more aware.  What loss and pain. You can see, in his giant eyes, he carries the burdens of a Bigger Brother at all too young an age, and we know God has a plan to bring him and his small Brother out of their current world.  -William takes credit for the last sentence. 

They have been in the orphanage since last spring.  "N" has THE cutest little smile, and tiny little teeth.  His eyes are so big and brown, and a cute button nose. His genuine happy expression is so innocent and pure that it would be humanly impossible not to instantly fall in love with him!  -William wrote that last sentence.  :)

More information to come later.  We'll get you updated on the next steps after turning in the dossier and money.  If everything goes as it has been going we should be travelling next summer.

I have a bunch of crafts and stuff to sell at the What Women Want Craft show tomorrow, so stop on by.  SoHi 10-5. 

-The Wolvertons