Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My very own client!

Now the ability to take pictures of a newborn is definitely not a reason to have another child, but it's definitely not a drawback either! I have been looking forward to photographing my own newborn since she was conceived. William my assistant :) helped me with the shoot. Thanks babe! It's probably safe to say this is only the beginning of Sable's photography adventures. Now you might say what about Avlynne and Emry. Well Sable is not mobile at this point and she doesn't have attitude, that I can't handle with a little feeding! Now to choose which to use for her announcement. Oh, and she isn't as huge as she looks. I think it was the lens I was using, now don't laugh I know you are! Really these make her look like a little fatty and ask anyone who's seen her especially naked, she's rather petite (for a 9lb er).


  1. Great job! As always!!!!!!! I personally like the first one and the last one the best- in case you were needing/wanting opinions-lol. She is downright adorable and I'm glad I got to see you again last night. Let me know if you need anything.

  2. Oh Tess, she's beautiful! the pics are so good, how do you get her to stay asleep when you have to put her in these positions? poor child!! Really, tho, congratulations, on Sable herself and the pics.
