Saturday, May 5, 2012


Where do I start?

          Before I update you with what is happening with the adoption plans I have to start with what happened Wednesday night.  My niece Willow who is 7, fell on the slide last Wednesday evening.  She was suffering from a concussion and was in the E.R. when my sister called about 6:30.  She informed me that Willow could not remember her numbers, letters, shapes, and family.  When asked to spell CAT, she spelled it MXK, and when asked to draw a square she drew a circle etc.  The weird thing was, she was consistently wrong.  After an hour my sister showed her MXK, and asked her what it spelled and she said CAT!  It was so weird and VERY scary.  When we talked with the doctor about it he said very bluntly that it was somewhat normal with the severity of her head trauma, and that there was a possibility though slim, that she could never regain full memory.

        There was also a very odd conversation that I still can't figure out.  She had asked who else was coming to see her.  My sister asked who else she wanted to come.  Willow said "that man".  We asked, what man?  She said "up there", and pointed to the ceiling.  Shanda and I looked at each other with puzzled looks.  I can't remember exactly how the whole thing went, but she went on to talk about a man with a beard and then two men.  And the fact that you had to take a crystal road to get there.  She also talked about River's (her sister) friend, talking about Roxanne an elderly lady who passed away years ago.  I'm not saying she had a near death experience, I truly don't know what to think.  I haven't had a chance to talk with her since to see if she has anything to say about it.
      Of course, I had been praying while driving to the hospital and silently while I was there.  There was a point about 7:45 that my sister and niece went to get Willow some food.  While they were gone, I asked Willow if I could pray for her, she said "yes".  When I was finished she said "thank you".  She then talked about being hungry again, and I asked her what she wanted.  She said Subway.  She could tell me what she wanted on the sandwich, but when describing the pepperoni she said you know the square kind.

      About that time Shanda came back into the room.  Within a couple minutes, Willow had said something that actually made a little sense, so we questioned her more.  From that point on she pretty much had full memory, and within 5 more minutes the doctor came back in and she could tell him what 12 + 12 and 24 + 24 was!  She knew her age, and who everyone was.

      I haven't done a ton of research on concussions, though what I have read makes it seem like that speedy of recovery is not usual, though I am not 100% sure of that.  What I do know is that  I am completely sure that God healed Willow right then and there.  He answered my prayer about making everything "connect" right in her head.

      That is where my faith comes into play, and I'm not talking about the abundance of it.  I will have to continue that story in another post but this is what Avlynne had to say about it, "mom I think God did that so you would have more faith."


  1. That is amazing. While on vacation, Carson and I read "Heaven Is For Real" about the little boy who went to heaven while in surgery with a ruptured appendix. You and your girls should read it. Quite interesting.

  2. Funny, I read your other comment first and was confused! :)
