Thursday, August 27, 2009

New pics

Here's some pics from camping and such. We had a good time at Whiskey Gulch. I forgot to take a picture but the road leading down is really scary. It almost feels like your going to tip backward.
Sable is getting so big. She's getting such personality. Were managing to stay busy while the older girls are at school. Emry is enjoying her first year of school. She told me she has a friend Tigerlilly. So I'm not exactly sure if that's her real name, if Emry misheard her, or if that was her pretend name on the playground or something. There are some different names out there now...


Mom and Sable magrable

The girls

Our view camping

Avlynne playing with sissy. Trying to smile open mouth like Sable she said.

Sable playing in the camper. she's getting so long!

Sable and Daddy campin

Ugh, I must be tired. Emry's first day of Kindergarten.
She loves her bouncer!
Avlynne's first art project of the year. A picture of William's boat.
She got it spot on!
Here's some pics from camping and such. We had a good time at Whiskey Gulch. I forgot to take a picture but the road leading down is really scary. It almost feels like your going to tip backward.
Sable is getting so big. She's getting such personality. Were managing to stay busy while the older girls are at school. Emry is enjoying her first year of school. She told me she has a friend Tigerlilly. So I'm not exactly sure if that's her real name, if Emry misheard her, or if that was her pretend name on the playground or something. There are some different names out there now...


  1. So that's why we haven't heard from you... It's almost sad to see how fast they are all growing up. Amy was out tonight and she is crawling (somewhat) and sitting up now.

  2. Hi I am a Mom that has a 4 1/2 month old and we also named her Avlynne...just today I decided to search the internet and see if there were other ones out there and found your blog - how fun! Do you pronounce it with a long A or short A?
