Counting the days going by, waiting for our the boys...
I think we are doing a pretty good job so far. With things slowing down and coming to this time of year where there seems to be a lull, I think it's going to get harder though!
We are soon to be starting on our required training, and I am learning quite a bit about our time we will experience there and things to pack when we travel!
While there is no other news to share, I thought I would post this wonderful article about adoptive families. I have read other articles that have said the same things in not such a pleasant tone. This one I believe hits all the perfect topics while staying polite.
Lords knows, if you know me well, you know I have a big mouth. If I'm curious, I will probably ask. Hopefully I have been tactful about it, though I imagine I haven't always...
So if I have ever offended, I am sorry!
Like she points out at the end, if you have already said these things or asked any of these questions don't feel bad!
This is all new to many of us. Sometimes we really mean well, and given awkward circumstances sometimes things just come out wrong. Other times we haven't thought it through, or have never heard the opposing side to understand.
I think it is a beautiful thing when we take the time to understand where others are coming from and expand our understanding of different realities in life. I don't know a lot about autism, or dealing with the loss of a child, or living anywhere but Alaska! Lol, but I am willing to try and listen and learn.
It is lengthy, but WELL worth the time. Thanks!
Supporting and Understanding the Adoptive Family |
Answers for Friends & Family |
January 01,2013 / Ashlee |
Our children are not necessarily grateful to have been adopted.
And we don't expect them to be. It is not that our kids don't
notice the stability of a family. It's not that they don't cherish the
love that they are receiving or that they don't like their new life. It is
because children are programmed to need, want and expect love. When we provide
it we are not heroes, we are simply meeting one of their very basic needs.
Expecting adopted children to be grateful for being adopted is like expecting
our biological children to be grateful for being conceived. It was a choice that
we, their parents, made and that they were brought into.
Please don't feed my kids. For children
who have known hunger, food means love. We want them to learn to love us, their
parents and siblings, before they bond with extended family, neighbors and
friends. I know that they stare longingly at anything edible. I know that our
two year old puts his head on the table and looks at you with puppy dog eyes.
But since we were not there to meet their early needs (breast or bottle feeding,
comforting them when they were sick, changing diapers, kissing boo boos) we need
to make up for it by meeting as many of their physical and emotional needs as
possible now. Many adopted children also have food insecurities. Some eat until
they vomit and then start eating again. Others hoard food, needing the comfort
of knowing that there is some saved for later. It is best to leave all feeding
to the parents unless specifically directed otherwise. |
an adopted child is hard work and we struggle. It is greatly appreciated if you
choose your wording carefully, especially around our
children. Yes, these are all our "real" kids (though sometimes
it would be nice if all of my kids, adopted and biological, had "off"
and, in most situations, you probably do not need to
specify whether you are talking about my "adopted kids" or my "biological kids".
They are
all my kids even if they joined us through different
If you'd like to offer support (meal, help with house
cleaning, etc) when an adopted child joins the family, please do even if we
don't reach out and ask.Many of us won't specifically ask for
help or tell you what we need
. However, I don't know a single adoptive
mom who would turn down an offer to have a group of friends tidy/clean her house
during those first few weeks at home with a new child. Likewise, coffee and
chocolate are most always welcome and might be exactly what a new adoptive mom
needs to get through those challenging times of
Please don't try to get our child to like you the
most.Attachment and bonding are challenging enough without
having friends and family slip our children candy, shower them with gifts, offer
seconds at meals or encouraging bending and stretching of family rules. We're
already working our tails off to get them to like
us. With consistency
and time they will learn to like you too, I promise.
adopted children had lives before they joined our family. They
had/have birth families and other relatives who are important to them and who
deserve recognition and credit too. They have had life experiences that, while
sometimes different than ours, are still special and
Be considerate of the types of questions that you
ask about our child's background and personal history, especially in their
presence and especially if they are old enough to
understand.Would it offend you if someone asked if you have
AIDS, if you were abandoned, if your parents were drug users
how your parents died? If so, best not to ask these questions to someone else.
We understand that it is normal to be curious and to wonder about the
circumstances that led to a child's adoption. However, these are things that we
discuss openly in our immediate family but not elsewhere. Our children may or
may not choose to divulge more of their personal stories someday when they are
older but they are THEIR stories and details to share, not
Sometimes adopted children need to be parented
differently than biological children. We are not spoiling
them. We aren't making excuses for poor behavior. Rather, we are parenting a
child whose background may be very dissimilar to anything we've experienced. A
child who has been abandoned and who has a fear of abandonment shouldn't be sent
to time out alone in another room. A child who is still attaching to their
adoptive family may need to be firmly held while having loving, affirming words
whispered into their ear during a full-blown tantrum. The types of consequences
that work for other children might not work for a child who doesn't have the
same sense of value of their possessions and who doesn't understand what it
means to have privileges. As parents, we must be flexible to help meet the
individual needs of our child even if it means that we do things a little
differently sometimes.
If you would like to give a gift to
our new child, please consider something small that the whole family can enjoy
together.A few ideas are a frozen meal, a gift card to the
movies, a small ornament commemorating the adoption or art supplies for all of
the kids to share. We know that you want to welcome our new additions but gifts
can be overwhelming for children who have had few material possessions. Also, we
want our children to learn to love you for
who you are, not for the
fact that they hope they'll get another gift the next time they see you again.
Other siblings may also experience jealousy and resentment if the new addition
suddenly receives an armory of gifts and they are
Attachment takes time and work.It
doesn't happen overnight. Even if it appears that our child is securely attached
to us it may take many months or years
and every child and
every family bonds differently. Many times we're faking it until we make it but
one day we will wake up and realize that we're not faking it anymore and that
love is deep and real.
who have recently added a child through adoption need support, friendship, love
and encouragement.Even if we're somewhat withdrawn and
spending a lot of time at home cocooning with our new addition we value our
friendships. Please continue to check up on us and to email, text, call or stop
by. If you were in our life before we still want you in our life and in the
lives of our children!
Please refrain from commenting on our
child's appearance (specifically relating to ethnicity/race) in front of him or
her.All children want to feel included and to fit in. Pointing
out how dark they are, how differently they look from the rest of us or how
unique their hair feels only makes them feel like they stand out
Please do not ask adopted children if they like their
new parents/family.Adopted children do not usually get to hand
pick their family. Adoption is similar to an arranged marriage and unique,
sometimes very different people are brought
With hard work and patience true love may grow. However, ask ANY child,
biological or adopted (especially any older child!) if they like their parents
and be prepared for some interesting answers!
It takes time
to help children start to heal from a difficult past.
because they have been with us for a certain amount of time does not mean that
the are "fixed". On the other hand, just because children are adopted does not
necessarily mean that they will be any more difficult, defiant, less successful
or anything else as teenagers or adults.
Our new additions are not
celebrities. We appreciate all of the love and support that we
were shown during our adoption process and we know that everyone is excited to
meet them. However, taking photos of just our adopted child or pouring attention
on them while ignoring our other children is not healthy for anyone. The child
who is receiving all of the attention often feels singled out and siblings
quickly become resentful.
do not tell us how amazing we (parents) are because we have chosen to
adopt. We may discourage physical contact with
our child for the first several months that they are home or until we feel like
they are securely attached to us.Please do not insist on
holding them, hugging them or having them sit on your lap. Many children who
have lived in orphanages and institutions learn to fight for adult attention.
Often they can put on quite the show and act like the most friendly, charming
child to draw attention to themselves. While it may be cute and though it gives
the false impression that they are well-adjusted and confident, it is very
important that initially the parents are the only adults who help fulfill these
children's need for physical affection. This also teaches healthy boundaries and
is a safety consideration since no child, adopted or biological, should feel
obligated to have close physical contact with someone that they do not know
We do not advertise our child's
"cost".If you would like to know how expensive our adoption
process was, please ask when our children are not present, call after our kids
are in bed
or send us an email. Most adoptive families are
happy to share our experiences and to provide helpful information but we do not
ever want our children to feel like they were bought or that they are
When the going gets tough please do not ask if
we regret our decision to adopt or imply that "we asked for it".
Few people would tell a sleep-deprived mother of a colicky
newborn "well, you asked for this" and it would be considered rude to ask a new
mother if she regretted her decision to have a baby. Just because something is
difficult does not mean that we regret it. There are bumps in the road of every
EAnd, most
importantly:No one is perfect.If
you slip and call our biological kids our "real" kids or if you've already asked
"What happened to his mother?" we won't hold a grudge. We know that our family
is different. We understand that it is impossible to be sensitive and
politically correct in every situation all the time. These are ideas and
suggestions, not commandments.
We appreciate that you care about our
family. We cannot thank you enough for wanting to learn more about supporting
and understanding the adoptive family and for helping make this transition as
smooth as possible for all of us!
Contributed by Ashlee, author of the very popular blog:
The Kitchen is Not
My Office
Would you be so kind so drop a word about the article? Did you learn anything, something you never thought about?