Friday, September 7, 2012


We're finally getting somewhere!

We're about to have the second portion of our home study completed.  Literally in like 10 mins.  Yay!  If you've ever wanted to be challenged to be a better parent, have someone conduct a home study on your family, haha.  No, really, wondering how your children will answer some of the questions is nerve wracking.  Every family has it's challenges, and it's ups and downs.  Will she tell them I spend too much time on the computer?  Will she talk about how I get frustrated? Will they tell about how we apologize when we speak out of that frustration?  How sometimes, we all just have to take a breather, and regroup later to talk it out calmly?  I sure hope the latter is what is forefront on their minds, not only for the home study, but because that is what family is about.  And no family is perfect, sometimes we forget to make that apology.  Really makes you think about what kind of legacy you are leaving behind. 

Moving I said we are getting the home study out of the way.  It feels like a huge weight is being lifted off of my shoulders as it's one of the main portions to complete in an adoption. 

What's next?  Well, money to be blunt.  I hate bringing it up because it feels like this world is always about money.  I wish I could need something else right now other than prayer more than money.  We currently have $4,600 in our adoption fund.  We were able to put $600 into that fund just this last paycheck (William had a ton of overtime that had built up, and working turnaround).  I only say that because I want you to know while we are asking for donations, we are also working very hard also.  I am currently watching the children on Thursdays at church during Bible Study, and quilting group, and will continue that throughout the year.  I'm also working on some craft projects to hopefully sell at the craft bazaar's this winter.

We've received a few donations, and thank you for that!!!  God is in control! 

After we put together enough money we can sign on with our agency for the DRC contract.  We have been accepted by our agency, just need the money now, to really get started.  Then we can start compiling our dossier.

We sent out an informational letter recently.  If you did not receive it, but would like to just give me a shout.  :)


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